After reading Ian
Milligan’s Historians’ Archival Research Looks Quite Different in the
Digital Age (2019), a few points made within this article concerning
digital archives vs. physical and traditional archives led me to think about the
variety of ways that archives do and will impact our society. Milligan points
out the fact that before digital archives existed, researchers relied heavily
on documents and resources that were either tangible or available for an
in-person viewing for research, but with digital archives, there is often an
abundance of material to research from one’s digital device.[1] As technology has positively
impacted many facets of academia, it has benefited the many historians, researchers,
and scholars who without it might lack access to desired material or would need
to take strenuous actions to research certain documents (traveling to another
country to review a document, reviewing a document in a highly-confidential
facility, etc.). This being said, though digital archives can provide a multitude
of material to the public for research, another point that Milligan made was
something that struck me as truthful yet is admittingly something I do not
think too often about: fabricated resources and media in an archival space.
I tend to not think as often as I should about these fabricated materials due to willing neglect, but because I
tend to be too optimistic when looking forward to doing research. Milligan states
that the fabrication of images and videos are often due to “deepfakes” which
are products of artificial intelligence that can alter images or video clips.[2] I have come across a variety
of sources that were indeed not of the original source and/or creator or have
been altered from its original copy. These incidents further heighten my will to
diligently complete research while being cautious of encountering more deep
fakes. Ultimately, I am happy to have come across this definition of deceptive
material as I have never heard the term “deep fake” before. I am glad that by including
this definition within his article, Milligan, like many other scholars, are
promoting society to be careful when completing research in digital spaces that
seem to give us endless access to truthful and reliable sources, but can often
include unreliable ones as well. Ultimately, despite the deep fakes, digital
archives will continue to shift into one of the most fulfilling and beneficial resources
that a researcher and historian can have.
[1] Ian Milligan, Historians’
Archival Research Looks Quite Different in the Digital Age, (The
Conversation, 2019),
[2] Ibid., Historians’ Archival
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